It wasn't so long ago that kids who got the "new" Nintendo 8-bit gaming console or the Sega system for Christmas were the envy of every less fortunate and burned out Atari owning neighborhood playmate. As time elapsed, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and NES's Turbo Graphix 16 became all the rave. Anyone now in their twenties can recall being impressed by the awesome advancements in playability and graphic display of the Nintendo 64 and Sega's Dreamcast system, and even more recently (only five or so years ago) the advent of Microsoft's Xbox, Nintendo's Game Cube, and the Play Station by Sony. The Video Gaming industry has made great strides in the past twenty years: from slow-moving, barely recognizable forms on screen in original Atari games such as Pac-Man, Calga, and Tron, to the extremely vivid and life-like graphics of Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, and Tekken; available for the Xbox and Play Station. Now, just in time for Christmas 2005, Microsoft has made the next move in the continuing race for Video Gaming Supremacy with the introduction of the Xbox 360. The result is truly phenomenal.

The Xbox 360, as with all video game consoles, is basically just a computer with hardware and software dedicated to the function of running video games. The original Xbox was pretty much just a Microsoft PC with a modified Pentium III processor, some powerful graphics and audio capabilities, and a modified version of the Windows 2000 operating system, all packaged in that distinctive black box.

This year Microsoft has released two versions of the Xbox 360: the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Core System. The Xbox 360Core System is "plug and play", that is, that in addition to the console, it includes an integrated controller and an AV cable. The Xbox 360 (not the "Core system") comes with a wireless controller, an HD AV cable, an Ethernet connectivity cable, a headset, a media remote, and a removable 20-GB hard drive.

For anyone who thought the original Xbox was a technological marvel, you must try this out! As amazing and realistic as the play on the first Xbox was, the Xbox 360 makes its predecessor look tired and worn-out. Microsoft has rebuilt the Xbox from the ground up. From the name to the look, from hardware to features, the Xbox 360 is a radically different and more powerful machine than the original Xbox. Far more than a video game console, the Xbox 360 is a total media center that allows users to play games, network with other 360 owners; rip, stream and download all types of media, including high-definition movies, music, digital pictures and game content, as well as play DVD movies and audio CD's.

The Xbox 360 will revolutionize the gaming world. Microsoft has definitely set the new standard in video game technology.

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CSS is the short form of "cascading style sheets". A single CSS file contain positioning, layout , font, colors and style information which is needed for a full web site. CSS is a tool for separating the content of a html file from the style and layout of that document.

Here is a list of 10 CSS techniques which are essential for developers and designers.

1. Navigation using CSS

5 inevitable Java tools

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 0 comments

 Here is a list of some Java tools.

1. Eclipse

Applies to: Embedded Java systems

Download link:   

Eclipse is a open source, multi platform development environment.

Save time when coding and debugging code.

2.  NetBeans

Applies to: all java users can use it. It is another form of Eclipse

Download link:

It contains a good GUI builder called mattise


Applies to: all sunspot developers

Download link:

You will get access to all Spot SDKs including old releases.

4. BlueJ

Applies to: All begginers and educators of Java

Download link:

Excellent for all entry level programmers

It is built on NetBeans

5. Javaxcomm

Applies to: All embedded systems including PC

Download link: COMM API is used when you have to use serial communication and Java communication in embedded systems.

More than 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 devices have been sold in the six weeks since the smartphone went on the market, Microsoft announced Monday.

While far from the 300,000 daily activations attributed to the iPhone and phones powered by Google’s Android operating system, the Windows Phone sales figures met the company’s “realistic expectations”, Microsoft executive Achim Berg said in a web posting.

The phone is seen as Microsoft’s attempt to get its foot in the door of the smartphone market after years in which the technology giant was eclipsed by Google, Apple and RIM’s Blackberry.

Devices running Windows Phone 7 software are currently made by HTC, Dell, Samsung and LG and have been well reviewed by analysts.“We all know that the competition is extreme in this industry, and we have to compete on multiple fronts,” said Berg, vice president of business and marketing for Windows Phones.

“We are on a path to begin releasing the first of several updates in the next couple of months, and several more mobile operators around the world will introduce Windows Phone 7 on their network in 2011.”

Windows Phone 7 was developed quickly. One result was that Windows Mobile applications do not run on it. Larry Lieberman, senior product manager for Microsoft’s Mobile Developer Experience, told eWeek: "If we’d had more time and resources, we may have been able to do something in terms of backward compatibility."

Lieberman said that Microsoft was attempting to look at the mobile phone market in a new way, with the end user in mind as well as the enterprise network.Terry Myerson, corporate VP of Windows Phone engineering, said, "With the move to capacitive touch screens, away from the stylus, and the moves to some of the hardware choices we made for the Windows Phone 7 experience, we had to break application compatibility with Windows Mobile 6.5.

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Image optimization is very important for a web developer or web designer, to make the website load faster and to reduce the bandwidth consumption. The online Photo Editors allow users to upload pictures from their personal computer or bring in images from websites like,, etc. They also provide resizing tools for your pictures. Here are some of the useful online Image resizing tools.

Here are some of the useful online Image resizing tools.

1. is a web based service for optimizing images. It converts and compresses images automatically. Any type of image formats like JPGs, GIFs, animated GIFs and PNG files can be formatted with it. It optimizes the images without altering their look or visual quality. You will be provided with the detailed report on the amount of bytes you can save by image optimization and all the altered images in a zip file for download. You can choose your images uploaded to the service, directly. A firefox plug-in which can analyze a whole page all at once can be used or the bookmarklet can be used.

2. Web Resizer

Web Resizer is an online free picture resizing tool for free which helps you to optimize and edit photos for email or web. This image optimization tool provides you with all essential image optimization and resizing features you need to make your images smaller. It helps to resize, crop, rotate images, sharpen, adjust brightness, contrast and color saturation levels etc. This web based application is very simple to use and require no registration. It can support a maximum uploaded image size up to 5MB.

3. iResize

iResize is an online tool used for resizing image which is quick, free and simple to use. It permits you to reduce the size of your photo by bytes and pixels, very easily. It is clearly web based and you don’t have to download or install it to enjoy its services. It works in all of your favorite operating systems and modern web browsers, completely.

4. Pic Resize

Pic Resize is an alternative to the common image editors used for resizing pictures. You just need to upload the image you want to edit or resize and then start to work. Certain default options are there for resizing such as: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. You can also modify any size to your wish. There are some special effects like grayscale, spread, equalize, sharpen, gaussian blur, oil paint, polaroid, rotate crop, contrast, brightness or raised Frame, in it that you can choose before the final download of the optimization image. Pic Resize supports GIF, JPEG and PNG formats of images.

5. Shrink Pictures

Shrink Pictures is a simple free image resize tool online. Image resizing is a very simple process in shrink pictures. You can browse and opt for your image to resize, select the new size for your image, and decide the quality of the output image as in good, better or best. Then click on the “Resize” button. The processed image will be displayed within a few seconds. All the images that are resized are automatically converted to JPG format. The image uploads can be up to 6Meg in size and a tool called shrink Avatar tool can be used to “shrink” an image to avatar size. Another general use is to resize photos before it is posted to your Blog or sent in an email.

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The best sites are obviously the ones which have the best collections, numerous options, the cheapest deals [e cards aren’t always free] and the customer satisfaction factor-which is customer dependent. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular sites.

1. Some Ecards


Not intended for people below 18 years- for some reasons according to the developers, “someecards” is one of the best sites to select your ecard. The simplicity in design and wonderfully easy navigation, the best part about the site is that it is quite easy to find the best card. The cards are simple and impressive in design and some of the texts that appear on the cards are awesome. You have categories like birthday, flirting, newer, friendship, encouragement, mad men, apology, workplace, confession and what not. The site features ecards-shirts wherein one could shop for t shirts. The user could create one’s own cards using the various options available on the site, but this service doesn’t come for free. The site features an app for facebook and one could follow the site on twitter also.

2. 123greetings


This is yet another wonderful place which offers plenty of selection and options. One could find cards for almost every purpose like birthday, friendship, anniversary, I love you, love poems, everyday cards, cute cards and so on. One could navigate cards by rating, views, relevancy, popularity and date of addition. The best part about 123greetings is that it lists all local events and occasions like Diwali, Holi, Id, Ramadan and so on. Some of the other features are upcoming events and Editor Bob’s letter.

3. Bluemountain


Bluemountain is extremely appealing with its simple design and excellent use of light shades to form the background. The site isn’t free and one has to own a premium membership to customize existing cards and avail access to printables like mugs, t-shirts etc. The site features an email protection policy for its customers and a set of other products like free calendars, wallpapers, and screen savers.

4. American Greetings


With its new look and simple navigation options Americangreetings is one of the best available options for all greeting needs. The site features plenty of superbly designed impressive cards which could not only be just sent as e mails or links but also could be printed on mugs, t-shirts and cards. The site features options for almost every occasion and feeling. Other attractions are the newly launched iphone app and the ecard app for facebook.
5. Hallmark Ecards


Hallmark is another very popular site which features plenty of elegant and rich cards suitable for almost every occasion. The site features a “My organizer” option, store locator and order status. Though it offers a good collection of free cards, the paid premium account holder of the site has access to an excellent collection of cards and services.

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Photo sharing services make sharing, organizing and storing digital photos convenient, safe, easy and most importantly fun. Through online photo albums, friends and family can connect by sharing pictures of good times, important events and special occasions.

Here is a list of a few Photo sharing websites that are really helpful for you to upload photos. You may feel them interesting in their features. You may not be familiar with all of them, but they do have something remarkable for everyone. If you know some better photo sharing  web sites that i didn’t include, feel free to share them in the comments.
1. Photobucket

Photobucket can be the best place on the planet for you to sock up all your photos and videos. Photobucket is one among the leading sites on the Internet for uploading, linking, sharing and finding photos, graphics and videos. Your Photobucket account can store thousands of photos and videos for free. They can be shared through email, mobile phone and IM. It is integrated with social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and Blogger. It has flexible uploading features and advanced mobile options.

2. Flickr

Flickr is one other popular online photo sharing site with impressive features and simplicity. It provides you with various ways to upload your photographs. Flickr let you showcase, share and store your photos with its amazing flexibility and user friendly features. Its editing tools are simple yet powerful. It offers you an option to geotag photographs and videos on maps. Its sharing tools are truly versatile.

3. Fotki

Fotki is another online photo sharing website which has many constructive features that are simple to use. You have various options to upload your photos and album creation. You can individually upload a photo or a group of pictures can be uploaded in a batch upload. You can also recover a picture from another site, use a file transfer protocol client, email your picture or send it directly from a cell phone. It is a brilliant service for someone who tries to sell prints over the web. You can access a number of valuable features that will help you share and store photographs even when you are using a free account.

4. Care to Connect

Care2 Connect is a global network of over 4 million individuals, thousands of eco–friendly companies and hundreds of nonprofit organizations. You can join this online community for free. You can share your images and photos with friends, family and others. You can upload your photos in a batch upload or individually. It allows you to upload about 200 photos in 30 days. There are restrictions to the content type of your photos or images. This site doesn’t allow obscene or pornographic images or photos.

5. Webshots

Webshots is a photo sharing service with 357,561,824 photographs in their gallery. It is one of the largest photo libraries of the world. You can share your photographs with friends and family in a number of ways using Webshots. Share it through online photo albums, photo messages, custom prints and gifts. But it doesn’t offer unlimited storage.

6. DotPhoto

DotPhoto is one among the best photo sharing services which makes it easy and fun to share life’s special moments. You can securely amass and distribute photos and video to your friends, co–workers or family. Using DotPhoto, you can build your own personal photo website, sell your pictures to other members, order custom gifts or upload and share mobile phone pictures with Pictavision. You can also create your own web page to display your photos with the help of DotPhoto service.

7. Avanquest SendPhoto

SendPhotos is a great photo sharing service that consists of a variety of advanced features. It is an amazing way to get photos from your phone to a number of sharing endpoints almost immediately. It is integrated with different photo sharing services like picasa. You can also organize your photos effectively with keywords and comments after uploading. It also features selective sharing in it.

8. Smugmug

Smugmug is another photo sharing service with which you can upload and share your photos. You can make use of 4 different options to upload your photos, Batch uploading for Internet Explorer on Macintosh and windows, Windows Drag & Drop, batch uploading for other systems including Netscape, Linux etc , batch uploading for OS 9 & OS X. the site also supports videos in MPEG–1 format. It can support video clip of maximum size 8MB. But it is not a free web service. You should get a membership to start enjoying it.

9. MyPhotoAlbum

MyPhotoAlbum is an easy to use and inexpensive service which could be a great selection for family oriented persons. Using MyPhotoAlbum, you can create personalized photo albums and share and store them safely and even print your digital images. It is possible for you to choose the appearance of your album from quite a lot of options.

10. KodakEasyShareGallery

KodakEasyShareGallery is one among the most user–friendly photo sharing services. To get started with KodakEasyShareGallery is simple. You just need to have your first name and email address to start your own gallery for free. You can start uploading your pictures from your digital camera, PC, camera phone or 35 mm film soon after the registration. It offers unlimited online photo storage without any cost for 12 months. It doesn’t allow easy access to other’s albums or photos or blogging.

11. PBase

PBase is a photo sharing site but is not for free but it serves to be a good value for money. It provides you with excellent services and offers up to 1,500Meg of storage at $60 a year for and up to 500Meg of storage at $23 a year. You can have a 30 days trial for free and see if you like it.

12. Photoshop Express

Photoshop Express is a great program for anyone who is interested in photography and doesn’t have a photo editing tool on their system. It is also a threshold for personal photo websites and image sharing. You can even access images from other sites for editing. Photoshop Express Beta offers up to 2 Gb storage absolutely free of cost. But the site does suffer from slow speed and resizing restrictions.

13. Echopic

Echopic is a must see photo sharing website. It offers its services for free. The site is very easy to use and offers unlimited storage options. It doesn’t steal the photo rights. It doesn’t have any flashy albums or animation options in it. It is a clean site without any flashy ads or distracting glitz in it.

14. JAlbum

JAlbum is photo album generator which is very much user friendly. The program offers a lot of customization possibilities without programming. Using JAlbum, you can share your albums right from your PC and also upload to any webhost that supports FTP. It is integrated with image editing tools. JAlbum offers users a quick way to create slideshows and photo albums.

15. ImageShack

ImageShack is an image sharing website for people who don’t want fancy galleries. If you want a host to link your images to a forum or bulletin board quickly and for free, ImageShack will help you. It offer you a paid version at $68 a year which will give you more space but it is expensive than any other sites that will give you more options.

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